Monthly Archives: March 2017
How do you treat periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is caused by the bacteria buildup infecting the bone, ligaments and gingiva. So in order to treat it we need to get rid of the cause of the problem. The first step to treating periodontal disease is to … Continued
How do I know I have periodontal disease?
Like I wrote about last time periodontal disease is characterized by bone loss. Periodontal disease is completely painless until it’s way too late. Things that could indicated you have periodontal disease are if your gums bleed when you brush or … Continued
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease the loss of the bone that supports and holds in your teeth through bacterial infection. How does that happen? You always have bacteria in your mouth. This bacteria likes to congregate together and make a layer on your … Continued